Residential Management Group

CCTV Monitoring & Response

Residential Management Group (RMG) stands as one of the United Kingdom’s leading property management companies, overseeing a diverse portfolio of over 115,000 households. Renowned for their commitment to excellence, RMG focuses on ensuring the well-being and security of the communities they manage.

a cctv monitoring operative monitoring cctv cameras in Prime's remote video receiving centre

Residential Management Group (RMG) stands as one of the United Kingdom’s leading property management companies, overseeing a diverse portfolio of over 115,000 households. Renowned for their commitment to excellence, RMG focuses on ensuring the well-being and security of the communities they manage.

Paul Hitchen

Head of Property (North)

“Prior to partnering with Prime, residents at one of our residential blocks in Manchester faced a growing concern with unauthorised access and anti-social behaviour affecting the communal areas. Upgrading the property’s CCTV system and linking it to Prime’s monitoring centre proved to be highly effective in reducing the disruptive activities and unwanted visitors. Residents now feel a renewed sense of security in their homes thanks to Prime’s proactive monitoring, ensuring a swift response to any potential issues.”

RMG, a trusted client with a portfolio of residential properties, approached us with a growing concern at one of their apartment blocks in Manchester. Unwanted visitors, specifically homeless individuals, were gaining access to communal areas, such as the building’s entrance, the bin store, and hallways,  causing disruption and posing a safety threat to residents. Anti-social behaviour was also becoming an issue, further undermining the sense of security for residents in their own homes.

RMG, having a successful track record with our security solutions for their other properties, sought our expertise to implement a solution that would deter these activities and restore peace of mind for their residents.

To address the challenge of anti-social behaviour and unwanted visitors accessing the property, we recommended a multifaceted solution:


  • Upgraded CCTV System: To enhance visibility and provide high-quality footage, we upgraded RMG’s existing CCTV system. This involved installing additional cameras in strategic locations like building entrances, hallways, and communal areas.
  • 24/7 CCTV Monitoring: The upgraded CCTV system was then connected to our in-house, state-of-the-art CCTV monitoring centre, staffed by highly trained professionals who monitor the cameras around the clock, every day of the year. This allows for immediate detection of suspicious activity and a swift response according to the client’s pre-determined escalation procedures. These procedures can include contacting a designated person on-site, dispatching security patrol officers, or calling the police.


The combination of a robust CCTV system and vigilant monitoring proved to be a powerful deterrent. Our monitoring team’s quick response, exemplified in the following incident report, showcases the effectiveness of our solution:

Incident Report Excerpt:

  • Male seen entering the site through the front door. The male is wearing… (Description of suspect included for reference)
  • Control initiates a manual check to follow the male’s movements onsite and male is seen entering the basement level.
  • Control contacted Alarm Response Officer and informed him that there was a suspected homeless person on site.
  • Alarm Response Officer arrives on site and completes control of the situation.
  • Alarm Response Officer escorts homeless male out of the property.

Since implementing this solution, RMG has reported a significant decrease in anti-social behaviour and unauthorised access to communal areas. As a result, residents and have regained a sense of security in their homes, and RMG’s property managers have regained valuable time previously spent dealing with security issues, allowing them to focus on other aspects of property management.

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